Circle Beard : Pointers to the Traditional Style and Its Derivatives


The most notable type of facial hair design is the circle beard, also referred to as circle goatee or full beard circle – this has remained popular in modern society for a very long time. This particular style suits any man who wants to give his look a stylish feel without having to go through the rigorous process of growing a long beard.

The circle beard is a type of facial hair that surrounds the mouth and chin and can be adjusted to meet the desired standards of the face structure and the user’s choice.

Circle Beard

In this ultimate guide to the circle beard, we will discuss aspects including the different types of the circle beard, how you can grow one, how to maintain your circle beard, and how to style your beard depending on your preferences.

What is a Circle Beard?

A circle beard is that facial hair in which a man grows hair in the chin and mustache region, but on the cheeks, there is no hair. That leads to the drawing of a circular outline around the mouth, which enhances the jawline and gives the personality of the wearer a touch of class. It is also possible to combine the style with or without sideburns. However, it is preferred by many to continue the facial hair down into the cheeks. A circle beard can also be shaved and cut in a style and kind that will be quite suitable for the person.

Benefits of the Circle Beard

There are several reasons why men choose to wear a circle beard, and some of the most significant advantages include:

  • Time efficiency: A circle beard is easier to grow than a full beard because less area of hair needs to be grown, and it requires less maintenance.
  • Versatility: Circle beard can be worn in different face shapes and styles since it can be adjusted to the desired size and look. This wig can be worn long or short, and thick or thin, and can be worn with mustaches and other facial hair.
  • Distinguished appearance: The circle beard is effectively masculine and adds that extra dimension and personality to wardrobe of the wearer.
  • Easy to maintain: Circle beards call for even less maintenance than full beards since there is less hair to groom or shave.

How to Grow a Circle Beard

Indeed, Cultivating a circle beard is generally a slow and meticulous process, but with the right technique, any man can continually shape his beard into the perfect circle beard shape. Here are some steps to help you grow your circle beard:

  1. Decide on your style: Thus, you need to decide on the shape and style of the future beard before beginning its growth. There are two styles: the full circle inside the circle being shaved- and the partial circle beard, only to the chin line.
  2. Start clean-shaven: Start the process of growing a beard by biting all the remaining hair on the face. This will make sure that no further hair is either left sticking up or focuses to grow in only a specific way leaving your cheeks clean.
  3. Let it grow: Trim your beard and let it grow for two or three weeks. In the process, be conversant with the routine shaving and avoid the use of items that ham bearded development.
  4. Shape your beard: Once your beard has grown to the size that you want it to be, you will have to cut it around in a circle using either a beard trimmer or scissors. Shave the cheeks and neckline to provide an evenly shaven circle around the lips that should be incomplete.
  5. Maintain your beard: Another is to always keep your beard neat and trimmed by taking time to shape it up now and then. It might also be worth using beard oil or balm to ensure your facial hair stays in top condition.

Check Out: Auburn Beard: What You Need to Know.

How to style the circle beard?

When well styled, a circle beard will enhance facial features and the overall aura of the guy wearing it. Here are some tips for styling your circle beard:

  • Use a beard trimmer: For your circle beard, it is imperative to have a beard trimmer. Employ it in order to cut your facial hair to the required length and style.
  • Comb your beard: During the grooming of your beard, make sure you go through a comb to maintain the neat look of the facial hair. Depending on your kind of beard, use a beard comb that has wide teeth to help detangle it.
  • Style with beard oil: It will assist in softening the beard and, at the same time, help in nourishing the skin on the face. Select an oil compatible with your skin type and use it every morning.
  • Trim your mustache: The hair on your face, particularly the mustache, needs to be trimmed to a reasonable length. They should be trimmed frequently to be clean and neat in their outline to avoid getting overgrown and untidy.

Circle Beard Variations

There are different shapes and looks of the circle beard depending on the methods of producing the beard circles. Some of the most popular variations include:

  • Circle Goatee: The Circle Goatee is shorter and round, shaped like the Circle beard. It involves hair on the region of the chin and the mustache area, while the cheeks should be shaved.
  • Bandholz Beard: The Bandholz beard is just another beard style that is longer and fuller than a circle beard. This has a full beard with the cheek area being partially or fully shaved to make a circle around the mouth region.
  • Short Circle Beard: A short circle beard is all about a shorter version of the circle beard, less in size than the common circle beard. It entails a little mustache and little hairs on the chin region, but the cheeks should not be hairy.
  • Handlebar Circle Beard: The handlebar circle beard is a variation of the circle beard which also includes a handlebar mustache. The full beard is longer, with a circle-shaped outline around the mouth and a large curly mustache that hangs down well beyond the corner of the lips.


The circle beard is one of the best and most elegant facial hairs that every man should consider taking so that he can have a distinguished look. By following the steps provided here in the guide, you might, therefore, be able to cultivate, groom, and manage the circle beard to suit your needs in as much as giving a new look to your face and personality. Whether you decide to get a circle beard, goatee, or some of the many other designs, be sure that your new look will definitely draw people’s attention and give an impressive first impression.

For more info: Click Here.


1. How does one have to wait to be able to grow a circle beard?

Any time you are attempting to grow any facial hair, you will note that it is a process that is likely to take some time before they start to grow, and this is true for circle beards, too, but the time it takes could be influenced by the genetics of the person’s hair, the age, and even the skin care practices of the person. It normally takes about four to six weeks before you actually notice some beard development and about several months to get the expected beard thickness.

2. Is it possible to grow a Circle beard if the facial hair is not dense or if I have patchy facial hair?

Indeed, one can always grow a circle beard regardless of how this guy’s facial skin is – with or without a spot of hair. The secret is to attempt to thicken the parts with more hair and thus shave off the parts with the least hair thickness.

3. How often should you trim this circle beard style?

The time that you take to trim your circle beard depends upon the rate of hair growth and the length that you want to achieve. In most cases, it is advisable to get a trim for the beard every two to four weeks to meet the set size.

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