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When thinking about patchy beard styles, they say beards are in fashion now. They play the role of defending your face from the chilled climate as well as beautifying your face and personality. But still, many men are not graced with thick beard lines, and patchy beard growth can cause a lot of distress.
But don’t despair! Below are some beard styles that allow you to wear your facial hair regardless of its thickness. As promised in our previous post, this blog post highlights some of the best patchy beard styles for a full and stylish look.
Some of the Patchy Beard Styles You Must Know
1. Short Stubble

For those who have just begun to grow a beard, then the short stubble can be really beneficial. Far from the need for daily shaving, it is a low-maintenance style that only needs you to shave your face after every three days. Furthermore, it is ideal for bearded areas where the hairs are randomly distributed because it amplifies the density of the hair while softening the look of the thin areas.
To get the desired look, that is, to trim the hairs, you don’t necessarily need any tool other than the trimer or a razor. First wash your face and then shave your face and let it grow for at least a couple of days. When you have achieved the desired area length you want, use the trimmer to shave off any uneven hairs. To get the best results, the man should use a beard oil or balm that will help to keep the facial hair soft and the skin soft as well.
2. Balbo Beard

The Balbo beard is an ideal beard style that is suitable for the modern man with a patchy beard. It is identified by a circular mustache that joins the beard but does not cover the cheeks. This beard style accentuates the density of the beard and the width of your mouth and is therefore preferred by men with thin beard hair.
Here is what you’ll require for the Balbo beard: Beard oil or balm and a little trimmer/razor. First, extend the length of your mustache to the length you consider ideal. After the length has been achieved, you simply join the two together with the razor or trimmer. The sides of the cheeks are to be shaved, beard and mustache remain untouched. To sustain style, shave the beard and mustache if required and use oil or balm to make the beard softer and shiny.
3. Heavy Stubble

Heavy stubble beard style is perfect for the man with a patchy beard and a desire for some serious manliness. It is generally described as sporadic, stache, and of abnormal texture, which does not grow beyond 5mm in length. The beard in question is ideal for most face and skin types and is best suitable for patchy beard individuals.
To get the heavy stubble beard, permit your beard to grow to a length of close to 5 days, depending on the length you would desire. When you get the length you want, then shave to give it a clean line; do not shave using a sharp angle. To maintain the style, trim the beard every few days to achieve a uniform length and apply beard oil or balm for sheen and smoothness.
Check Out: Why Beard Oil will be your next Obsession: The Beginner’s Guide.
4. Garibaldi Beard

Garibaldi beard is used for full beard and patchy beard as well and is used where the beard is thick in growth. Originally called Garibaldi after the Italian general and nationalist hero with an epic Baja or beard. Usually, the facial hair is long and bushy, and while the cheeks and the chin are left to grow naturally, only the mustache region is shaped to grow out upcurved.
To model facial hair like Garibaldi, shave your face clean and wait for at least two weeks before shaving your hair so that you can choose the length you want. If you reach the length is the desired one, you may use the beard trimmer or scissors to remove some sparse strands or even lines on the face. For the mustache, the trimming should be done or using scissors to establish an upward style – daring and eye turners. To groom the beard like Garibaldi, let the beard and mustache grow and style them, applying oil or balm on it to make it look shinier and softer.
5. Van Dyke Beard

The Van Dyke beard is one of the best mustache and beard styles, which includes a short and full beard with a pointed end as well as a long curled mustache. Such is the name of an outstanding Dutch painter, Anthony van Dyck, specifically associated with magnificent facial hair. This beard style, for some reason, is perfect for those who have a non-uniform beard as it allows showcasing the fuller areas while making the patchier parts less visible.
For the Van Dyke beard, grow the facial hair for several weeks to obtain the desired length of facial hair. When you get the required length, shave the beard with the use of a trimmer to make those delicate cuts, leaving the pointed part of the beard intact. For the mustache, you can use a trimmer or scissors to turn the end of the mustache upward, as this will make the mustache to be eye-catching. For the Van Dyke beard, one needs to trim and style the beard and mustache neatly and apply beard oil balm for extra gleam and smoothness.
It does not mean that you have to stop working on your beard if you have a patchy beard. Here are some bad patchy beard styles that you might be thinking of trying out to stand the best chance of displaying your facial hair in the best possible way. Going from the short stubble beard to the Van Dyke style, these styles are perfect for the patchy beard as they enhance the full-bearded areas while concealing the patchy nature of the beard. That means you should not shy away from your patchy beard; instead, try out these stylish and modern beard styles to feel and look good with your facial hair.
For more info: Click Here.
What causes patchy beards?
Bad skin can also be the reason for chemical formation, hormonal states, and alimentation. Beard genetics are important and some men are born with genes that will only allow a patchy beard at most. Other factors that might be the cause of the patchy beard include hormonal factors like low testosterone. Some skin conditions, such as folliculitis or rosacea, make the skin inflamed and may hinder facial hair growth. Last but not least, the lack of nutrients in food like vitamins A, B, and D are also the cause of poor beard growth.
I have quite a patchy beard. What can I do to make it look better?
There are various ways of enhancing the aspect of your patchy beard. First and foremost, make sure you’re eating a balanced diet for your body to provide all the nutrients needed for beard development. Secondly, try out the less-dense beards that enhance the fuller zones of your beard, which include the Balbo beard or Van Dyke beard. Last but not least, choose between beard oils, balms, and beard growth serums to belong to the group of products that help the beard grow healthy and minimize the number of spots.
When is the best time for me can trim my beard?
When it comes to how often you should trim your beard, it all depends on the style and length of the beard. If you have short beard styles like the short stubbles or the heavy stubbles, you should trim them on a regular basis, probably once every 2-3 days. If you are growing a longer beard or goatee beard, kind like the Garibaldi beard or the Van Dyke beard, then a trim is needed after 5-7 days or as necessary for the Gerbera shape. Please be reminded to apply beard oil or balm, especially when shaving and after shaving, to avoid skin itching.